云南网讯 针对近期新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,云南省于1月24日启动了重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应,省委、省政府高度重视,统一部署,各项疫情防控工作有序展开。云南省外事办向在滇的各位外籍人士提出如下倡议:
请关注云南省卫健委“云南卫生12320”微信公众号、 “云南发布”微信公众号和微博,获取新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情官方权威信息通报,并了解云南省各地救治定点医院信息和联系方式、有关疫情防控措施以及重要通知通告等,也可致电云南健康热线(0871)12320,了解相关信息。
Message from the Foreign Affairs Office of
the People’s Government of Yunnan Province
to Foreign Nationals in Yunnan
To cope with the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Yunnan Province launched the highest-level (level one) public health response on January 24, 2020. The CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee and the People’s Government of Yunnan Province have attached high importance to and made comprehensive deployment on prevention and control. The Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Yunnan Province hereby sends the following message to the foreign nationals living and traveling in Yunnan:
Follow the government social media accounts for the latest updates
Please follow the WeChat account of Yunnan Health Commission by searching “云南卫生12320” and the WeChat/Weibo account of Publicity Department of CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee by searching “云南发布” to obtain the latest updates of the disease, information of designated hospitals for patients with the novel coronavirus, preventive measures, and important notices or call the hot line of Yunnan Health Commission at 0871-12320 for relevant information.
Keep good personal hygiene
Please keep good personal hygiene habits. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing. Clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.
Please wear a surgical mask when going out and dispose the used mask to the designated garbage bin.
Please keep the room clean and open the window for fresh air from time to time.
Please avoid unprotected contact with wild or farm animals. Cut eating cold and undercooked food. Have thoroughly cooked food and drink more hot water.
Reduce or avoid outdoor activities
Please avoid crowded areas, and cancel parties, group dinners and other group activities.
Check health condition regularly
Please measure body temperature on a regular basis. When such symptoms as fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, or general weakness occur, please wear a surgical mask and seek medical care right away at designated hospitals.
Be responsible and cooperative
In case of recent visit to affected areas or having contact with people from these areas, please report to the local CDC or designated departments as early as possible. Then heed personal health more, stay at home for ample rest and reduce outdoor activities. Please support and cooperate with the government, community or medical staff for health information inquiries and collection.
Foreign Affairs Office of the
People’s Government of Yunnan Province
January 27, 2020